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- painted
- part of house
- part of specialist report
- part of specialist report
- particle size analysis → particle size analysis Prefer using soil analysis: particle size analysissoil analysis: particle size analysis
- partirdge
- pattern burnished
- pattern jabbed
- pattern painted
- patterned urfirnis
- paved area
- paved road → paved road Prefer using paved areapaved area
- paved way → paved way Prefer using paved areapaved area
- pavement
- pea
- peach
- pear
- pedestal
- Pedestal → Pedestal Prefer using pedestal basepedestal base
- pedestal base
- pellet decoration → pellet decoration Prefer using granulata waregranulata ware
- pendant
- pestle
- petrological research
- petrology → petrology Prefer using petrological researchpetrological research
- phallus
- phiale → phiale Prefer using dimini bowldimini bowl
- pickax → pickax Prefer using pickaxepickaxe
- pickaxe
- pier → pier Prefer using post basepost base
- piercer → piercer Prefer using awlawl
- pig
- pile dwelling
- pillar
- pin → pin Prefer using awlawl
- pin
- pine
- pinge
- pink ware
- pintadera
- piriform jar
- pistachio
- pisé
- pit
- pit grave
- pit house → pit house Prefer using pit-housepit-house
- pit-house
- pithos
- pivot stone
- place
- plain
- plant remains → plant remains Prefer using botanybotany
- plaque
- plaster wall
- plastered floor
- plastered threshold
- plastic cordon decoration
- plastic decoration
- plate
- platform
- plaza → plaza Prefer using squaresquare
- plug → plug Prefer using ear plugear plug
- point → point Prefer using projectile pointprojectile point
- pointed beaker
- pointillé decoration
- polished
- pollen → pollen Prefer using archaeobotany: pollenarchaeobotany: pollen
- pollen analysis → pollen analysis Prefer using archaeobotany: pollenarchaeobotany: pollen
- polychrome
- polychrome burnished
- poppy
- porphyry
- post base
- post hole
- pottery
- pottery decoration
- pottery detail
- pottery form
- pottery production
- pottery surface treatment
- pottery tool production
- preforated lug → preforated lug Prefer using stringhole lugstringhole lug
- preforator → preforator Prefer using drilldrill
- pressure technique
- production
- profile clearing
- projectile point
- pronged handle
- pronged wishbone handle
- prospection → prospection Prefer using field surveyfield survey
- pulse
- punched
- pyre
- pyxis
Vocabulary information
DEFC Thesaurus
DEFC thesaurus is a knowledge organization system designed for Digitizing Early Farming Cultures project.
Seta Štuhec
Anja Masur
Peter Andorfer
Ksenia Zaytseva
Edeltraud Aspöck
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