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- backed bladelet
- bag-shaped vessel → bag-shaped vessel Prefer using hole-mouthed jarhole-mouthed jar
- baking pan
- ball
- bar handle with knob
- barbotine
- barley
- basalt
- base
- basin
- BBW → BBW Prefer using brown burnishedbrown burnished
- bead
- bead inlay
- beak spouted jug
- beaker
- bean goose
- beaver
- belt hook
- bench
- Bi-directional core → Bi-directional core Prefer using bidirectional corebidirectional core
- bidirectional core
- bifacial core → bifacial core Prefer using bidirectional corebidirectional core
- bird
- bitter vetch
- black and red on cream (polychrome) (β3β)
- black and red on white (polychrome) (β3γ)
- black and white on red (polychrome) (β3β)
- black burnished
- black burnished with channeled decoration (γ1α3)
- black burnished with white paint (γ1α1)
- black burnished “Larisa” (γ1α)
- black nightshade
- black on grey
- black on red
- black on red (β3α2b)
- black on white
- black on white (b3α3)
- black pattern burnished (γ1α2)
- black slipped
- black topped
- black/red burnished arapi
- blackberry
- blade
- blade core
- blade industry
- Blade-core → Blade-core Prefer using blade coreblade core
- bladelet
- bobbin → bobbin Prefer using scraperscraper
- body
- bone
- bone tool production
- borehole survey
- borer → borer Prefer using drilldrill
- botany
- bothros
- bowl
- bracelet
- bridge spout
- broomcorn millet
- brown bear
- brown burnished
- brown on buff
- brown on buff (matt painted) (b3ε)
- brown on cream
- brown on cream (b3α2a)
- brown on red
- brown on yellow
- brushed
- buckthorn
- building
- building material
- building shape
- building technique
- building type
- bullet core
- burin
- burnished
- burnisher
- button
- buttress
- byblos point
Vocabulary information
DEFC Thesaurus
DEFC thesaurus is a knowledge organization system designed for Digitizing Early Farming Cultures project.
Seta Štuhec
Anja Masur
Peter Andorfer
Ksenia Zaytseva
Edeltraud Aspöck
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