Seitenleisten-Liste: Vokabular-Inhalt nach Kriterien auflisten und durchlaufen
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Begriffe des Vokabulars alphabetisch auflisten
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Auflistung der Vokabular-Begriffe nach Alphabet
- sacral
- sandstone
- satellite imaging
- schist
- scoop
- scored
- scraped (a3ε)
- scraper
- scribble burnished
- sea club-rush
- seal
- secondary deposition
- seed
- segment
- senile (60-)
- separating wall
- serpentine
- settlement
- settlement enclosure
- settlement structure
- settlment type
- sex
- sex not specified
- shaft → shaft Stattdessen verwenden: tiptip
- shaft grave
- shaft straightener
- shaft tomb → shaft tomb Stattdessen verwenden: shaft graveshaft grave
- shallow bowl
- sharpening stone → sharpening stone Stattdessen verwenden: grindstonegrindstone
- sheep
- sheep/goat
- shell
- shell production
- shell stamped
- shouldered bowl
- shuttle
- sickle → sickle Stattdessen verwenden: sickle implementsickle implement
- sickle blade
- sickle element → sickle element Stattdessen verwenden: sickle implementsickle implement
- sickle implement
- side scraper → side scraper Stattdessen verwenden: side-scraperside-scraper
- side-scraper
- sieve
- silver
- single jabbed
- sinker → sinker Stattdessen verwenden: net sinkernet sinker
- site
- skull
- skyphos
- slate
- sling bullet → sling bullet Stattdessen verwenden: slingstoneslingstone
- slingstone
- slip trailing → slip trailing Stattdessen verwenden: barbotinebarbotine
- slipped
- slope → slope Stattdessen verwenden: hillsidehillside
- small finds
- small foot
- small ring handle
- smeared
- smoothed
- smoother → smoother Stattdessen verwenden: burnisherburnisher
- soil analysis
- soil analysis: particle size analysis
- soil analysis: soil chemistry
- soil analysis: soil micromorphology
- soil analysis: soil phosphorus analysis
- soil chemistry → soil chemistry Stattdessen verwenden: soil analysis: soil chemistrysoil analysis: soil chemistry
- soil micromorphology → soil micromorphology Stattdessen verwenden: soil analysis: soil micromorphologysoil analysis: soil micromorphology
- soil phosphorus analysis → soil phosphorus analysis Stattdessen verwenden: soil analysis: soil phosphorus analysissoil analysis: soil phosphorus analysis
- sourcing → sourcing Stattdessen verwenden: ceramics: sourcingceramics: sourcing
- sourcing → sourcing Stattdessen verwenden: lithics: raw material sourcinglithics: raw material sourcing
- spatula
- spear
- special analysis
- special feature
- spindle whorl
- splinter
- spondylus shell
- spongy
- spoon
- spout
- square
- stable isotope analysis
- stairway
- stamp → stamp Stattdessen verwenden: pintaderapintadera
- stand
- stattuete → stattuete Stattdessen verwenden: figurinefigurine
- stele
- stone
- stone figurine
- stone lining
- stone platform
- stone row structure
- stone setting
- stone socket
- Stone tool → Stone tool Stattdessen verwenden: lithicslithics
- stone tool production
- storage
- storage building
- storage facilities
- storage pit
- storage systems
- storage vessel
- strap handle
- strap handle with knob
- strap handle with round hole
- straw
- stringhole lug
- stroke-and pattern burnished
- strontium analysis → strontium analysis Stattdessen verwenden: isotopes: strontium (Sr)isotopes: strontium (Sr)
- subadult
- subsistence
- summit → summit Stattdessen verwenden: mountain topmountain top
- surface
- survey → survey Stattdessen verwenden: field surveyfield survey
Informationen zum Vokabular
DEFC Thesaurus
DEFC thesaurus is a knowledge organization system designed for Digitizing Early Farming Cultures project.
Seta Štuhec
Anja Masur
Peter Andorfer
Ksenia Zaytseva
Edeltraud Aspöck
Anzahl Ressourcen nach Typ
Typ | Anzahl |
Anzahl Begriffe nach Sprache
Sprache | Bevorzugte Begriffe | Synonyme | Versteckte Begriffe |
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