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Listing vocabulary concepts alphabetically
- Cabin
- Cabin
- Cabling reeding
- Caelicolae
- Caeretan hydriai
- Caldarium
- Calendar
- Calyx
- Camera
- Camp
- Camp → Camp Prefer using fortressfortress
- Campana reliefs
- Canal
- Canalis
- Cantilevered scaffolding
- Cantilevered step
- Canvas
- Cap → Cap Prefer using capitalscapitals
- Capital with four angle leaves
- capitals
- Carian
- Carob-tree
- carpets, Greek and Roman
- Carpocratians
- Carriageway
- caryatides
- Casemate
- Casement
- Casing
- Cask
- Cast
- Cast
- Caster
- Castle
- Castle
- catacombs
- Catalogue
- Cathars
- Cattle
- Caucasus
- Cauliculus
- Cave
- Cave oder rock painting
- Cavetto
- Cavetto capital with side cylinders
- Cedar
- Ceiling
- Ceiling ledge
- Celtiberian
- Celtic
- Celts
- Cemetery
- Centaur
- Centering
- Central akroterion
- Central motif
- Central motif
- Central motif
- Centre post
- Centuriation
- Century
- Century
- Ceramic
- Cereals
- Certosa-fibuia
- Cesspool
- Chain
- Chaldeans
- chalk
- Chalkopyrit
- Chalkotheke
- Chamber
- Chamber tomb → Chamber tomb Prefer using chamber tombschamber tombs
- chamber tombs
- chamber-pots
- Channel
- Channel
- Chapel
- Charcoal
- Charcoal burner
- charioteers
- chariots
- chariots
- Charonian steps
- Cheek-plate
- Chert
- Chest
- Chevaux de frise
- Chicken
- Chief rafter
- Chieftain burial
- children
- Chimney
- Chimney cowl
- Chimney shaft
- Chinese roof
- Chock
- Chock
- Choir
- Chord
- Christian inscriptions
- Christian religion → Christian religion Prefer using in generalin general
- Chronology
- church → church Prefer using churcheschurches
- church altars
- churches
- ciborium
- Cilician
- Cimmerians
- Cimmerians (untill 1997) → Cimmerians (untill 1997) Prefer using CimmeriansCimmerians
- Cinders
- Cipollino
- cippi
- Circle
- Circuit wall
- Circuit wall
- Circular
- circus
- circus buildings → circus buildings Prefer using circuscircus
- Cire perdue
- Cist grave
- cistern
- cisterns → cisterns Prefer using cisterncistern
- cisterns (untill 1997) → cisterns (untill 1997) Prefer using cisterncistern
- Citadel
- City
- Civilization → Civilization Prefer using culturalcultural
- Clactonian
- Cladding
- Clamping
- Clap boarding
- Clasp
- Classical archaeology
- Clay
- Clay → Clay Prefer using clay vesselsclay vessels
- clay (untill 1997 subdivided) → clay (untill 1997 subdivided) Prefer using clay vesselsclay vessels
- Clay bedding
- clay vessels
- Cleared
- Clearing basin
- Cliff
- Climate
- Climatology
- climbing-irons
- Cloister
- Cloth
- clothing
- coal
- coarse ware
- Coast
- Coat of arms
- Coat of paint
- Coating
- Coaxial
- Cobalt blue
- Cobalt blue
- Cobble
- Cobble
- Cobbled floor → Cobbled floor Prefer using pebble mosaicpebble mosaic
- Cobbled paving
- Cobbled paving
- Cobbled paving
- Cobbles
- Coffer
- Coffer frame → Coffer frame Prefer using Well surroundWell surround
- Coffer lid
- Coffer slab
- Coffered ceiling
- Coffin
- Coin
- Colander
- Cold plunge
- Collapse
- Collar beam
- Collyridiani
- colonization
- Colonnade
- Colony
- Colour
- colours
- colours
- columbaria
- Columbarium
- Column → Column Prefer using columnscolumns
- column sarcophagi
- columna-tombs
- columns
- Comb → Comb Prefer using combs, classical culturecombs, classical culture
- Combat (milit.)
- combs, classical culture
- combustibles and fuel
- combustibles and fuel
- Combustion chamber
- Commagene
- Commemorative pillar
- commerce
- Common rafter
- Communal burial
- Community
- Compartment
- compass-cards, Greek
- compass-cards, Latin → compass-cards, Latin Prefer using compass-cards, Greekcompass-cards, Greek
- composed tombs
- Composite capital
- comprehensive → comprehensive Prefer using history of arthistory of art
- comprehensive
- comprehensive → comprehensive Prefer using iconographic themesiconographic themes
- comprehensively → comprehensively Prefer using freestanding sculpturefreestanding sculpture
- comprehensively (1956 - 1997) → comprehensively (1956 - 1997) Prefer using liturgy (1956 - 1997)liturgy (1956 - 1997)
- Concave
- Concave
- Concave
- Conceptual objects
- conceptual objects (BBT) → conceptual objects (BBT) Prefer using Conceptual objectsConceptual objects
- Conflagration
- Conflagration
- Conglomerate
- Conifers
- Console
- Consolidation
- Consolidation
- Construction
- Construction break
- Construction break
- Construction manner
- continuity
- Continuous pedestal
- Convex
- copper
- Copts
- Copy
- copying
- corals
- Corbelled arch
- Corbelled slab
- Corbelling with capstone
- Cord marked ceramics
- Core
- Core-like
- Corinthian capital
- cork
- Cornel
- Corner post
- Cornice
- Cornice
- Cornice
- Cornice
- Cornice soffit
- corona
- coroplastics
Vocabulary information
Title Thesaurus
Ancient History
Archaeology of Late Antiquity
Archaeology of Non-European Cultures
Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula
Building Research
Classical Archaeology
Classical Studies
Conservation of Cultural Heritage
European Archaeology
Prehistoric Archaeology
Provincial Roman Archaeology
The Thesaurus brings together and harmonises all thesauri and vocabularies of the libraries and the projects of the German Archaeological Institute. It was developed between 2015 and 2019, since 2020 it is continuously updated and implemented. The core structure is based on the BBT.
Annika Kirscheneder
Camilla Colombi
Elenore Pape
Gabriele Rasbach
Henriette Senst
Lena Vitt
Matthias Block
Nina Dworschak
Reinhard Förtsch
Sabine Thänert
Ayla Lang
Thomas Tews
Date issued
Resource counts by type
Type | Count |
Term counts by language
Language | Preferred terms | Alternate terms | Hidden terms |